Mainstream Health Promotion Webishops

Click the titles below to view our Mainstream Health Promotion webishops on our YouTube channel. Please don't forget to subscribe, like and share!


No Health Without a Healthy Planet

In this webishop, internationally recognised leader in health promotion, Dr Trevor Hancock provides a brief update on the Anthropocene (global ecological change and the social and economic trends driving those changes) and their health implications.

Dr Hancock then looks at what we have to do to become healthy, just and sustainable societies and communities, providing a good quality of life and good health for all within the limits of the one small planet that is our home. While there is a need for global and national action Dr Hancock points out that we also need to recall the sage advice to “Think globally, act locally”. He closes by focusing on the creation of healthy and sustainable communities, and the role of health promotion, especially in starting the conversation on becoming a One Planet Community and society.

Indigenous Values and Principles, and Planetary Health

This video is an online workshop, organised by and featuring speakers from the International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) Global Working Group on Waiora Planetary Health, for the annual meeting of the Planetary Health Alliance held from April 25 – 30, 2021.

The Global Working Group originates from the 23rd IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion in Rotorua, in 2019, co-hosted by the Health Promotion Forum of New Zealand (HPF) Runanga Whakapiki Ake I Te Hauora o Aotearoa, and IUHPE. The conference theme was “WAIORA: Promoting Planetary Health and Sustainable Development for All.”

The Group’s chairs are Sione Tu’itahi, Executive Director, HPF and Professor Claudia Meier Magistretti, Director of research ISB, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. The Planetary Health Alliance is a consortium of over 240 universities, non-governmental organizations, research institutes, and government entities from around the world committed to understanding and addressing global environmental change and its health impacts.

Global Challenges and the Future of Health Promotion: What are the implications for Aotearoa New Zealand?

The environmental crisis, the economic crisis and pandemics such as Covid-19 are global challenges that impact on human wellbeing, and our understanding of health promotion. The implications of these challenges to our current understanding and application of health promotion in Aotearoa New Zealand are explored by a panel of experts in this webishop.

The panel explores the implications of these challenges to our current understanding and application of health promotion in Aotearoa New Zealand. Some pathways into the future are also explored. Participants and the panel discuss the following questions:

• How can we elevate our consciousness of health promotion to include the health of our common home – planet Earth?

• How can we broaden our understanding of health promotion to include Indigenous approaches to global environmental crises?

• What practical solutions can health promoters adopt as they work within institutions and engage with families and communities to address the environmental crises at a local level?

The Geneva Charter for Well-being and the Future of Health Promotion in Aotearoa

This webishop explores and discusses the potentials of the 'Geneva Charter for Wellbeing' to inform health promotion in Aotearoa in the next few decades. In December 2021 the senior leadership team of the Health Promotion Forum of NZ (HPF) and its collaborators were among over 5000 participants of the 10th World Health Organization (WHO) Global Conference on Health Promotion, who met virtually and in Geneva, Switzerland, and agreed on the Charter.

The conference marked the start of a global movement on the concept of wellbeing in societies. The Charter builds on the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion and the legacy of nine global conferences on health promotion. It outlines the necessary elements of a ‘wellbeing society’ and highlights the need for global commitments to achieve equitable health and social outcomes now and for future generations, without destroying the health of our planet.

The webishop panel of experts were all speakers at the conference.

Health Promotion and the Pandemic

The value and effectiveness of a health promotion approach when tackling and making sense of a health crisis like a pandemic is highlighted in this webishop. The webishop discusses the Ottawa Charter in relation to Māori health approaches and perspectives to Covid-19 in Aotearoa.

It also examines the power of a human rights and planetary health approach and includes an open discussion around solutions looking ahead.

Key topics;

• The foundations of health promotion with a Māori perspective

• Health Promotion Competencies

• Human Rights and Planetary Health approaches

• The digital divide – what this means for equity

Aotearoa/NZ Shaping World Health Promotion - National Accreditation Framework

The Health Promotion Forum of NZ is co-leading the transformation of health promotion at the global level:

- By introducing Te Tiriti-based principles and indigenous knowledge By co-leadership

- By building a national accreditation organisation

And more…

Key topics:

- The foundations of health promotion with a Māori perspective Health Promotion Competencies

- Human Rights and Planetary Health approaches

- The digital divide – what this means for equity

Empowering Families, whanau against Covid-19 -a health promotion tool to keep your family safe, healthy and happy, and to survive, thrive, and flourish after the Covid-19 pandemic

Last edited Apr 27, 2023, 7:10 PM
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