Sione and Dr Piukala Auck Uni Jul 2024 2 v2
Pacific community leaders unite to support WHO Regional Director
Pacific Community leaders, including HPF’s Executive Director Sione Tu’itahi, showed their support for the World Health Sione Tu'itahi, Dr Saia Piukala and Dr Audrey Aumua CEO of The Fred Hollows Fou…

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Physical Inactivity rex pickar 9RKmE8RYYlk unsplash
Physical inactivity among adults worrying, says report
An increasing number of adults worldwide are not doing enough physical activity, which in turn will increase the  number of people living with non-communicable diseases (NCDs), according to a new repo…

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Fresh produce 2
Study shows healthy diet crucial for planetary health
The strong connection between individual and Planetary Health, has been highlighted in a recent study published by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.  The study stresses the critical role…

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Manawatia a Matariki
Time of remembrance, reflection, and renewal
Nau mai i ngā hua, nau mai i ngā taonga, nau mai i te mātahi o te tau!  Welcome the fruits of the year, welcome the many treasures, welcome the New Year! Whāia te mātauranga, ka tītiro whakamuri ki …

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Effective Pacific leadership about serving others
Good leadership is about doing the right things at the right time and for the right reasons, says Public Health specialist  and Associate Dean Pacific at the University of Auckland Faculty of Medical …

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TIme is up for our planet
It's climate-crunch time, says UN Chief
“It’s climate crunch time” when it comes to tackling rising carbon emissions warned UN Secretary General, António  Guterres when marking World Environment Day 2024 on Wednesday this week. As events w…

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Richard Egan in front of hospital
INTERVIEW: Study to create action plan for spiritual care in Aotearoa.
HPF recently caught up with Otago University’s Associate Professor, and member of HPF’s Academic Reference Group,  Richard  Egan for a written interview about a research study which he is co-leading t…

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Webishop to discuss effective leadership and Pacific wellbeing
Our Pacific Health Promotion webishop, featuring a panel of Pacific leaders in public health and health promotion, will  be held on June 5 from 11am to 12.30pm. We invite you to come and join us at t…

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Planetary Health Road Map image
Kuala Lumpur Call to Action on Planetary Health
We can’t wait any longer – the time for action is now!  That’s the key message from the Kuala Lumpur Call to Action on Planetary Health launched at the 2024 Planetary  Health Annual Meeting (PHAM) an…

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Call to End Plastic Pollution
Those days when we filled supermarket plastic bags with our groceries seem like a distant memory. Here in Aotearoa NZ we’ve been making small, and I like to think, meaningful steps to phase out singl…

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