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Stats show no change in child poverty
There has been no real improvement to the proportion of our tamariki living in poverty according to the recently released 2021/22 Child Poverty Statistics for Aotearoa. About one in 10 children exper…

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Urgent climate action can secure liveable future for all
The losses and damages we are experiencing and will continue to experience due to human-caused climate change has been brought into sharp focus in the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change …

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World Wildlife Day 2023 poster
Act now to protect our wildlife
‘We need to place the voices of local communities and indigenous people – our world’s most effective guardians of biodiversity – front and centre if we are to protect our planet,’ says United Nations …

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Webishop to discuss crucial skill sets needed to work effectively with Māori
EXCLUSIVE OFFER! Our next webishop on March 22 from 11am to 12.30pm is FREE FOR OUR VALUED MEMBERS.  With regions across the upper North Island of Aotearoa New Zealand recently experiencing widesprea…

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Waitangi Flagstaff
OPINION: A Transparent Tiriti for Hauora
by Na Chris Webber Dear Koro, thanks for signing Te Tiriti o Waitangi for us - we still believe it’s the way to build our nation, there’s just a few eggs in the way stopping our part - could you sort…

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INTERVIEW: Dignity, wellbeing, equity and respect for older people our guiding lights, says Age Concern NZ CE
HPF recently welcomed Age Concern New Zealand’s Chief Executive Karen Billings-Jensen to its Board. A registered social worker by background, Karen has had extensive experience in managing and deliver…

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WHO NCD portal
WHO releases data portal on NCDs in small island nations
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has released a data portal on NCDs in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) highlighting some of the highest prevalence rates of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) an…

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Older people count too
Older people to get Census support
Older people will now have the support they need to be counted in the 2023 Census. This follows the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding by Age Concern New Zealand with Stats NZ. On March 7, 202…

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Looking forward to the New Year
Hari tau hou tātou kātoa - Happy New Year everyone! We’re back from our break and looking forward to a productive 2023. We hope you had a good rest over the festive season and managed to refocus on y…

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HPF closing dates over Christmas/New Year period
  A HUGE thank you to all our valued members, partners and supporters for all your encouragement and aroha during the year, we really appreciate it!! We couldn't do what we do without you!  (Christm…

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