Culturally responsive health promotion approaches focus of webishop
We invite you to join us for our first webishop of the year ‘Culturally Responsive Health Promotion Approaches in Aotearoa NZ’ to be held on March 27 from 11am – 12.30pm.
Aotearoa NZ has been a melting pot for the last few decades. With our population set to increase, and the increase in global travel and migration, New Zealand will only become more diverse.
Amidst recent changes in health and policy, it’s important for us to remain focused on fostering a society that honours our cultural differences and works towards using our culture to achieve prosperity.
At this webishop a panel of experts will look at the challenges in health for diverse communities and health promotion approaches that work.
The state of our communities and the work ahead, as well as key strategies to ensure successful outcomes will also be discussed.
Key topics to be discussed: Challenges in health for diverse communities; Health promotion approaches that work; The state of our communities and the work ahead and key strategies to ensure successful outcomes
Guest speakers:
Our first guest speaker is the Director of The Asian Network Incorporated (TANI) Vishal Rishi. Vishal, who is originally from India, has driven collaborative innovations in NZ’s ethnic communities for over 20 years. Under his leadership, TANI has become a well-recognised provider of Asian public health and social services in Aotearoa.
Vishal has extensive experience in public health and health promotion and is a well-recognised national service provider improving health and wellbeing outcomes for Asians. Vishal is currently the Chair of the Ethnic Health Collective Strategic Group and played a central role in establishing it. He is also the Chair of SAMER+, a pilot project aimed at minimising the rapid rise in family harm cases seen in communities settled in Manukau and is a Board member of the Commonwealth Study Conferences (CSC) New Zealand chapter.
The second speaker is Summer Hawke (Te Māhurehure, Ngāpuhi) one of the Chief Advisors, Health Promotion in the National Public Health Service. Summer has a strong track record in achieving equity within services and projects, which saw her being deployed to understand and address poor covid vaccination uptake in South Auckland and reorganise an offering that was suitable and acceptable for communities. For this work, Summer was awarded the New Zealand Kiwibank Local Hero of the Year medal and Te Tohu Amorangi a Te Kawa Mataaho, Public Service Commissioner's Commendation for Excellence award.
In her role at the National Health Service Summer brings her high expectations for Te Tiriti o Waitangi compliance and achieving Māori health equity and health equity for all underserved communities. Her approach to equity, she says, is having a good balance of art, heart and science.
As Chief Advisor, Summer provides Tiriti led leadership, analysis and advice to support the achievement of Pae Ora goals. She offers expert technical advice, thought leadership and senior expertise to inform decision making for work programmes that support the delivery of Health New Zealand, Te Whatu Ora's priorities and objectives including leading and shaping innovative whole of system health promotion solutions.
Facilitator: Mereana Te Pere, Māori Health Promotion Strategist. (Waitaha, Tapuika, Ngāti Ranginui)
The webishop is FREE for our MEMBERS ONLY (Promo code required)!! To check if your organisation is a member click HERE.
Costs for non-members: $49.00 incl GST. Not a member yet? View membership application.
Email emma@hauora.co.nz for more information.