Team effort crucial to quitting smoking
This month we encourage you to join us in backing World Smoke-Free May and supporting whānau and friends to stub out the nasty habit!
The best part of this month is that you will not be alone on your journey to a smoke-free and healthier life as the theme "We're Backing You - Taituara, Taiwhare, Taieke" emphasises how important team effort is to achieving this goal.
If you have ever smoked, you’ll know just how hard it is to quit! So having the necessary support and backing in place is crucial.
The focus on whānaungatanga and wrap-around support, which will be provided by whānau, community, and government to make the journey towards a smokefree future just that bit easier!
Also, this month highlights not just the importance of quitting smoking but how crucial it is to create smokefree environments. Smokefree legislation and regulations that can support whānau to have smokefree lives where they live, work and play is also essential.
Jason Alexander, Interim CEO of Hāpai Te Hauora said smoking had been a major public health issue for too long now.
‘The negative effects of smoking on health and wellbeing are well-documented particularly for our Māori and Pacific whānau who continue to suffer the most harm from this deadly product. Hāpai Te Hauora is committed to supporting whānau who want to quit smoking, and "We're Backing You" is an opportune time to connect our people to the support they need.
‘We still have more to do for our Māori and Pacifica whānau in order to make a significant dent in our smoking rates.’
Jasmine Graham, National Smokefree Activation Lead for Hāpai Te Hauora and HPF Board members said they were proud to announce that this World Smokefree May they were backing whānau who choose May to quit.
‘We invite them to fill our simple online survey, we will have a few spot prizes including the final prize worth $5000 to help inspire them to stay quit during the month.
‘Alongside this there are Smokefree activations happening up and down the motu. It’s extremely important our whānau connect with their local stop smoking service provider to receive that extra tautoko as we understand how hard it can be to quit.’
Smokefree Taskforce member and long-time Smokefree advocate Hone Harawira says, "Tupeka Kore 2025 is not far away. We must act with urgency, especially for our Māori and Pacific whānau who continue to suffer most from tobacco’.
World Smokefree Day will be celebrated on May 31.