Our online courses are for your continuous professional development (CPD). While not accredited, their levels are matched to the NZQA framework.  

Our Level 1 online courses have been revamped and relaunched to the new online learning experience platform – iQualify. These courses are designed to introduce the learner to the fundamentals of health promotion and are great preparation for ongoing learning either through our Level 4 Certificate of Achievement in Health Promotion (CoA), or our level 2 & 3 online courses to be launched in the near future.    

If you are already working in the field of health promotion or public health, these courses will further enhance your knowledge and skills. The courses are also designed to enable those who are new to health promotion and public health to be able to learn new knowledge and skills. 

These courses are self-directed through the online experience platform. iQualify, is user-friendly and has a wealth of technical support available to help you learn to navigate your way around or to resolve any issues.   


These courses are now live: 


Stream One: Mainstream Health Promotion, Level One Topic: What is health promotion? 

In completing this course, you will be able to:  

  • Define the meaning of health  
  • Define the meaning of health promotion  
  • Briefly outline the history of health promotion on the world and New Zealand.  

Click here to enrol now: https://www.eventbrite.co.nz/e/mainstream-health-promotion-mhp-level-1-registration-1115176796819?aff=oddtdtcreator


Stream Two: Māori Health Promotion Level One  Topic: Māori Health Promotion 

In completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Define Māori health promotion 
  • Identify and describe at least one Māori model of health promotion 
  • Describe four core values that strengthen Māori health promotion 

Click here to enrol now: https://www.eventbrite.co.nz/e/maori-health-promotion-mhp-level-1-registration-1115942637469


Stream Three: Pasifika Health Promotion Level One Topic: Pasifika Health Promotion 

In completing this course, you will be able to: 

  • Define Pasifika health promotion 
  • Outline the history of Pasifika health promotion and its development in New Zealand 
  • Describe how Pacific people’s health is being advanced through health promotion. 

 Click here to enrol now: https://www.eventbrite.co.nz/e/pasifika-health-promotion-php-level-1-registration-1115914413049?aff=oddtdtcreator


On completion of the online health promotion workshops you will be awarded your badge of completion. 


Three Streams and Three Levels 

There are 3 streams of Health Promotion online courses you can enroll in, with 3 levels in each stream. While all three streams are related, each stream focuses on a distinct form of health promotion knowledge and practice. 

  • Stream 1 is Mainstream Health Promotion (MSHP). It focuses on Western based principles of health promotion. 
  • Stream 2 is Māori Health Promotion (MHP) and it focuses on Māori health promotion. 
  • Stream 3 is Pacific Health Promotion (PHP) which focuses on Pacific health promotion.  


The level in each stream indicates the level of knowledge you can learn in each course and the complexity of the course. Level 1 starts as an introductory and basic knowledge point, with Level 3 being more advanced. 


The below image shows the streams and levels of courses we have available and will become available soon.



  • Member price: $69 incl of GST each course.
  • Non-member price: $99 incl of GST each course.


Contact our office for all inquiries on hpf@hauora.co.nz or 09 300 3071